

Elige la distribución de la luz

Golpes:Actualizado:2019-07-27 10:07:29【Impresión】

Principles of lamp selection
In the lighting design, the lamps that meet the requirements of use function and lighting quality, and are easy to install and maintain, and have low long-term running costs should be selected. The following aspects should be considered:
(1) Optical characteristics such as light distribution and glare control;
(2) Economics, such as luminaire efficiency, initial investment and long-term operating expenses;
(3) Special environmental conditions, such as an environment with fire hazard, explosion hazard, dust, humidity, vibration and chemical corrosion;
(4) The shape of the luminaire should be coordinated with the building;
(5), the luminaire efficiency (η) is high: η = ΦL / ΦO, depending on the shape and material of the reflector, the size of the exit opening, the diffuser or grid shape and material;
(6) IP rating in accordance with environmental conditions.


8:00 - 18:00
